wight1984 Mar 09, 2008 22:43
game: monopoly, activity: clubbing, content: meme, activity: gaming, content: cryptic, content: humour, society: rocksoc, content: links, topic: friends, club: dungeon, person: ellie, fashion: boots, activity: geeking
wight1984 Feb 05, 2007 22:32
topic: university: exams, club: slimelight, content: links, activity: clubbing, club: dungeon, fashion: boots, topic: philosophy
wight1984 Oct 23, 2006 23:23
activity: clubbing, topic: university, topic: art: television and film media, topic: philosophy, topic: ethics and morality, topic: politics, content: links, club: dungeon, activity: drunkeness, fashion: boots, person: fraggle
wight1984 Oct 17, 2006 17:53
activity: clubbing, content: meme, topic: philosophy, topic: politics, location: london, content: links, club: dungeon, fashion: boots, topic: art: literature, content: articles
wight1984 Sep 19, 2006 21:09
club: slimelight, topic: sex and sexuality, topic: computers, content: meme, topic: art: television and film media, location: london, content: links, events: wrecked, topic: life, activity: clubbing, events: parties, topic: goth, topic: angst/emotional drama, topic: money and wealth, topic: health, person: fraggle, fashion: boots, activity: geeking, topic: fetish
wight1984 Aug 26, 2005 00:59
location: london, fashion: body mods, fashion: boots
wight1984 Jul 12, 2005 14:24
topic: university, topic: computers, fashion: boots
wight1984 Jun 30, 2005 03:39
society: gamesoc, activity: gaming, events: parties, topic: art: television and film media, fashion: boots, pub: hobbit